In Class
In lieu of our class meeting we will hold individual conferences instructors. During individual meetings, we will begin focusing attention on the crafting of individual research agendas and goals for the semester (Some meetings can be scheduled before and after class. Sign ups will be circulated in the preceding class.)
DUE: Please answer a series of questions about your research area before our meeting using the linked form here.
Also, please sign up for your presentation using this spreadsheet. (See project suggestions below. You may select another of your choosing.)
Due for MARCH 5th:
Blog Reflection
Choose one of the project/s below or your own, and consider the following questions in a reflection post on our class blog and posted the evening before we meet. Include in your reflection on the digital project responses to the following: What need or opportunity motivated the creation of the digital archive or collection? Who is the intended audience, and what technical or design choices make that audience explicit? What is the relationship between the creator of the archive project and the materials? What are the technologies used? What skills would you need to develop a similar project? What could future projects learn from this example?
- Colored Conventions
- The Early Caribbean Digital Archive
- The Black Press Research Collective
- Decoding the Civil War
- Electronic Literature Collection 3
- In the Spotlight
- Documenting the American South
- Chronicling America
- Letters 1916-1923
- Wearing Gay History
- Unpacking Manuel’s Tavern
- The Samuel Beckett Archive
- Lone Woman and Last Indians Digital Project
- Modernist Archives Digital Publishing Project
- Rhizcomics: Rhetoric, Technology, and New Media Compositions
- The Wan’dering Jew’s Chronicle
- Women in Book History: A Bibliography
- Celestina Visual